Events and Activities
AIA Talk: "Early Human Populations in the New World: A Biased Perspective"
In the news recently you have probably heard or read about the re-dating of Clovis sites, traditionally thought to be the earliest evidence of human habitation in the New World. Dr. James Adovasio, an expert in the archaeology of early humans, has published on the so-called “Venus” figurines of the Old World as well as on settlement in the Americas. He published his controversial views on the occupation of the North America in his book The First Americans. Professor Adovasio is currently Dean of the Zurn School of Natural Sciences & Mathematics at Mercyhurst College in Erie, Pennsylvania. He is also a Research Associate at the Smithsonian Institution and the Carnegie Museum and serves as an Expert Witness on Federal Government Archaeological Resources Protection Act. Adovasio shared his views on PBS’s acclaimed program NOVA in the 2004 episode on America’s Stone Age Explorers. He will be speaking on Tuesday 27 March at 7:30 PM in McDonnell Douglas Auditorium in the Material Science Building on the UAH campus.